Simple, essential steps for putting your affairs in order
Written by Sarah Mahoney and Sheila Anne Feeney
The steady drone of coronavirus news these past nine months has spurred countless older Americans to face a long-procrastinated task: writing — or rewriting — their wills. But millions of Americans have yet to do so. A 2016 Gallup poll found that more than 30 percent of people 65 and older didn’t have a will, nor did more than 40 percent of people ages 50 through 64.
The main reasons people stall, according to They say either that they just haven’t gotten around to it or they don’t have enough assets to leave to anyone.
Neither is a great reason. Thanks to DIY software, it’s possible to pull together a smart, effective will in less than an hour. And assets are only part of the story. Even if you have no savings to pass on, the right paperwork can save your loved ones headaches and heartache.
Some essential things to know about end-of-life planning, circa 2020:
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