Did you know that 92% of Americans believe it is important to discuss their end-of-life wishes with their loved ones? Yet, how many have actually done so? Only 32%.
Control What You Can – Document Your Wishes
Right now, so many things are out of our control. However, there are some things we CAN control.
- We can ensure that if we get sick our loved ones have the authority to speak with our health care team and make the decisions we would want to make ourselves.
- We can also make sure our loved ones know what our wishes are.
- We can share our thoughts and values in order to make it a little easier if they have to face unthinkable choices.
The importance of end-of-life planning is something we focus on regularly with our clients and through community education. Often the public thinks this is something that only older adults need to address. The coronavirus does not discriminate. It has struck both the young and the old.
The non-elderly are much less likely to have documented their wishes. In addition, single adults or those in non-marital relationships are at greatest jeopardy of not having their wishes honored or their appointed health care agent recognized.
Today, April 16th, is National Heathcare Decision Day! We encourage everyone to give this some thought. Think about what your wishes would be if you were in the hospital and could not speak for yourself. Think about who you would want to be your advocate, who can handle talking to the medical staff and make decisions about your care. Then take the time to document those wishes and have a good talk with your family about what those wishes mean to you and to them.
Stay safe, stay healthy & take care of one another!
To see a video a message from Atty Michelle Beneski on the importance of National Health Care Decisions Day click the image below:
To watch the 5 Critical Estate Planning Documents to Have in Place During a Crisis with Atty. Erin Nunes click on the image below: