What is Probate and Why You Want to Avoid It

Probate is a court process to settle an estate after someone dies. There are two types of probates. The first is interstate probate. For example, if someone dies without a Will, then they are “intestate” and a court has to decide what happens to their property. The second type is testate...

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Estate Planning for a Multi-Generational Family

Times have changed and so has the idea of what a traditional family looks like. Due to economic or practical circumstances, more households have become multi-generational homes with grandparents, parents and children all living under one roof, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of census data. The dynamic of a multi-generational...

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woman and son - gift trust

Give the Gift of a Gift Trust

During holiday time, many people feel more generous than usual. This is not surprising since religious teachings of this period emphasize the importance of helping others, and many stories of the season involve giving in one way or another. If you are inclined to make gift-giving preparations, now is a good time...

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