How to plan your estate as a Solo Ager

According to Forbes Magazine, it is estimated that there are 12 million adults over age of 65 and are living alone, or 27% of the overall population. That is a staggering number. Of that population, most are women. Ironically, although they are now alone, most were at one time or another, caretakers to...

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Your New Year’s Legal Check-up

A new year is upon us, and with it comes a host of New Year’s resolutions. A survey found that the top goals for the new year included: 1) staying fit and healthy, 2) losing weight, 3) enjoying life to the fullest, 4) spending less, saving more, 5) spending more time...

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older man going through health care proxy

Health Care Proxy — What’s In a Name?

When it comes to healthcare documents, it’s easy to get confused. Many of our clients are not clear about the differences between health care proxies and durable powers of attorney, or about why you might need both a living will and a health care proxy. These are some of the questions we...

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Estate Planning for Teachers

To say the last year and a half has been a challenge would be the understatement of the century. So many have stepped up to help others and to give a sense of normalcy in such an abnormal time. One group of people especially come to mind: teachers.


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Weddings, Wills and More!

Traditionally, June is the most popular month for weddings and is probably what perpetuates the term “June Bride.” If you are planning upcoming nuptials or have recently been married, you know how much planning goes into a wedding. Couples take great care in planning every detail from the flowers to researching the...

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