Now that nearly everyone is using the internet, it may look as though creating a will is an easy do-it-yourself project. Think again. There are multiple reasons that you need the services of a trustworthy estate attorney to draft your will. Don’t let your last words be guided by the artificial intelligence behind a random template.
At Surprenant & Beneski, P.C., our well-respected will and trust attorneys have been assisting residents of Southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod in creating wills for many years. We have also had to revise wills that were inadequately prepared or have become outdated.
When you’re doing something as important as crafting your will, a task that will protect the security of your loved ones, you need a skilled lawyer at your side, one who knows how critical it is to pay attention to details and to make sure the final document is unambiguous and legally binding.
7 Reasons To Have a Wills and Trusts Attorney Draft Your Will
1. Without legal oversight, mistakes you make may prevent or delay your family’s receipt of funds they are entitled to or may result in their having to pay unnecessary taxes.
2. If your will doesn’t meet state guidelines, it may be declared invalid in which case major elements of it may be put aside — such as your designation of beneficiaries and your choice for your child’s guardian. The court will then react as if you died intestate (without any will at all) and decisions will be made according to state law, rather than your wishes.
3. Without an attorney at your side, you may omit something crucial. It is very different to do something for the first time, without training, than it is to complete something that you have done professionally for many years.
4. Using a template may work for less serious matters, but some of your priorities are unique and will not be included in a cookie-cutter form. You need a will and trust attorney to customize a plan based on the particulars of your situation.
5. In almost all cases, you will need more than just a will. Engaging the services of a competent estate planning lawyer will open up possibilities. A qualified professional will provide you with information and options that may be helpful, or even essential, in your particular case, e.g. establishing a special needs trust, planning for retirement, avoiding probate, creating a Medicaid trust, or protecting high-net assets from excessive taxation.
6. Change is inevitable and chances are you will go through several major life changes after your will has been completed. Our will and trust attorneys will maintain a relationship with you and suggest regular reviews of your will and estate plan every couple of years to make sure
to accommodate new events in your life, such as:
- Marriage
- Divorce or remarriage
- The birth or adoption of a child or grandchild
- The death of the person you designated as your child’s guardian
- Starting a business (or expanding, downsizing, or selling one)
- Coming into an inheritance
- Purchase of a second home
Each of these events may have implications for your will that your lawyer will make certain you consider.
7. In the end, using an attorney will save you time and money and help to prevent family squabbles in the future. Our attorneys are well-versed in Massachusetts and federal law and know the ins and outs of taxation and trust intricacies. More than that, we always keep current on any changes in the law regarding property, inheritance, and taxation, and can advise you when alterations have to be made to any documents we have prepared.
Contact Our Will and Trust Attorneys Today
Put your will in the hands of one of our experienced attorneys. Drafting a will is a legal process so it should be handled by a legal professional. Contact our office for an appointment to discuss how we can help you protect your assets, your loved ones, and your future.