Own a Business? What about Succession Plan?
It is a good idea to have a plan, just in case you do retire.
Many business owners have worked for years to build up their business and don’t have any intention of retiring. However, that day is likely...
Company Helps Boomers Ease Pressure of Downsizing
If the clients wait until the last minute, panic can set in.
A woman and her team focus on the difficulties of the work as well as the emotional challenges faced by Baby Boomers who opt to downsize, according...
Will ‘Phased Retirement’ Work for You and Your Employer?
Working at the age of 65, is not the same as working at 20.
Working for decades can take a toll on employees, as they near retirement age. However, a phased retirement can offer a situation...
Pension or 401(k)? Which Is Best for You?
If Social Security will be 40% of your income, where does the rest come from?
Social Security was never intended to be your total retirement funding, so you need as many revenue streams as possible, according to U.S. News &...
Upscale Retirement Looms in the Boomer Future
If you are thinking of upscale retirement, it might be best to check in early and enjoy the lifestyle.
Boomers have had a way of being out front, when it comes to making changes in society and it isn’t...
Look Closely at Your Retirement Options
There are some lessons to be learned from the experience of others.
Things do not always go as we plan. A couple planned and saved for their retirement but then faced some tough challenges, according to the Canton Citizen in “Smart...
IRS Increases Annual 401(k) Contributions
If you are fortunate enough to have an employer match, the end results are even better.
The IRS has raised the contribution limit for a 401(k) plan by $500 next year and it can make a difference over the...
Boomers and Retirement: Big Decisions, Changes
There are are many guidelines and proposals, but what is right for you?
A key challenge that is likely to be faced by boomers as retirement approaches, is how much should be set aside for the retirement years, according...
Personality has an Impact on Retirement/Employment Decisions
Cognitive ability makes it easier to remain in the workforce.
Researchers at the RAND Corp. in the U.S. and a think tank in The Netherlands have determined that personality has an impact upon the decisions made by employees who...