Probate is a court process to settle an estate after someone dies. There are two types of probates. The first is interstate probate. For example, if someone dies without a Will, then they are “intestate” and a court has to decide what happens to their property. The second type is testate...

Weddings, Wills and More!
Traditionally, June is the most popular month for weddings and is probably what perpetuates the term “June Bride.” If you are planning upcoming nuptials or have recently been married, you know how much planning goes into a wedding. Couples take great care in planning every detail from the flowers to researching the...

News Break Article: My mom added me to her bank accounts before she died. Am I legally or morally obliged to disclose these accounts to my siblings?
My mom recently passed away.
I have taken care of my mom’s finances for the last 10 years. It was always her money, but I made sure all her bills were paid. She lived in her own house until about 7 months ago. She then moved in with me....

AgingCare Article: Estate Administration: Know What to Do When a Loved One Dies
The strong emotions that come with a love one’s passing are often followed by bewilderment when survivors realize all of the financial and legal steps they must take to settle their affairs. The spouse who passed away may have handled all of the couple’s finances, leaving the other uninformed and overwhelmed. Or...