Bob Surprenant Reminds us of the Value of Time

February 10, 1990

Dear Michelle, Michael and Daniel:

You are receiving a photocopy of the original letter because I don’t have time to write original letters to each of you. Enclosed is a copy of a Time magazine article dated April 24, 1989, which I only found time to recently read! Having attained the age of 50 years, and feeling a little like the sage of East Freetown, I thought the article was worth passing along. I hope you have time to read it (as well as this letter!).

I am sure that you, Michelle and Mike, have already begun to experience the pressure of time, running between school, work study and “social obligations.” Dan, you are basking in the bucolic splendor of Western Mass & are only beginning to experience time pressures.

Seriously, the article is worth reading. While the answers may take some time to work out, it is important that you initially be aware of the problem, and then give some thought as to how you will deal with it. Life is relatively short (like your father) and to be enjoyed properly there should be some balance between work, family, recreation, friends and God. The best advice I can give is to buy a house with a small lawn. Well, that’s all the time I have for now.



(I do have time to tell you I love you)