What about Medicare?

There is a great deal of confusion about Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is the federally funded and administered health insurance program primarily designed for individuals age 65 or older. There are limited long-term care benefits that are available under Medicare.

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Case Study: Financial Gifts to Children

The state won’t let you just give away your money or your property to qualify for Medicaid.

After her 73-year-old husband, Harold, suffers a paralyzing stroke, Mildred and her daughter, Joan, need  advice. Dark circles have formed under Mildred’s eyes. Her hair is disheveled. Joan holds her hand.

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Medicaid Spend Down Lists

There is a great deal of confusion regarding the spend down of assets for Medicaid qualification. For a single person, who can only keep $2,000 in countable assets in Massachusetts, that individual may find him or herself wondering what the money can be spent on without causing any Medicaid disqualification. Similarly, for...

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Estate Planning for a Multi-Generational Family

Times have changed and so has the idea of what a traditional family looks like. Due to economic or practical circumstances, more households have become multi-generational homes with grandparents, parents and children all living under one roof, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of census data. The dynamic of a multi-generational...

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