Creating a plan for your future in the early stages of the disease to ensure your wishes are met can be empowering. The sooner legal plans are established, the better prepared you and your family will be! It is nor-mal to feel overwhelmed by the details of legal planning, but remember that...

What about Medicare?
There is a great deal of confusion about Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare is the federally funded and administered health insurance program primarily designed for individuals age 65 or older. There are limited long-term care benefits that are available under Medicare.
Learn More About Our Medicaid Planning Attorney
Case Study: Financial Gifts to Children
After her 73-year-old husband, Harold, suffers a paralyzing stroke, Mildred and her daughter, Joan, need advice. Dark circles have formed under Mildred’s eyes. Her hair is disheveled. Joan holds her hand.

The Benefits of Estate Planning (Part II): Plan Ahead for Proactive Aging
Erin L. Nunes, Esq.
Why Experts Say It Is Important to Start Your Plan Now
As aptly stated by the long-term care experts at the Mayo Clinic, “If you're considering long-term care options for...

Medicaid / MassHealth Planning for Long-term Care
What is Medicaid Planning?
Medicaid, through its state affiliates, is the largest single payer for nursing home care. While estimates vary, it is safe to say that Medicaid pays between 45% and 65% of the total nursing home costs in the United States. While on the surface, this may...

Medicaid Spend Down Lists
There is a great deal of confusion regarding the spend down of assets for Medicaid qualification. For a single person, who can only keep $2,000 in countable assets in Massachusetts, that individual may find him or herself wondering what the money can be spent on without causing any Medicaid disqualification. Similarly, for...

ElderLawAnswers Article: Using Estate Planning to Prepare for Medicaid
Long-term care involves not only a loss of personal autonomy; it also comes at a tremendous financial price. Proper planning can help your family prepare for the financial toll and protect assets for future generations.
Long-term care can be very expensive, especially around-the-clock nursing home care. Most people end...

Estate Planning for a Multi-Generational Family
Times have changed and so has the idea of what a traditional family looks like. Due to economic or practical circumstances, more households have become multi-generational homes with grandparents, parents and children all living under one roof, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of census data. The dynamic of a multi-generational...