Your New Year’s Legal Check-up

A new year is upon us, and with it comes a host of New Year’s resolutions. A survey found that the top goals for the new year included: 1) staying fit and healthy, 2) losing weight, 3) enjoying life to the fullest, 4) spending less, saving more, 5) spending more time...

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When a Loved One Dies

After a loved one dies, there are many issues which need to be addressed to wrap up the person’s legal and financial affairs.  The following is a checklist of issues to consider:

The funeral home should take care of providing you with certified copies of the death certificate.  The...

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What About Medicare?

There is a great deal of confusion about Medicare and Medicaid

Medicare is the federally funded and administered health insurance program primarily designed for individuals age 65 or older. There are limited long-term care benefits that are available under Medicare. In general, if you are enrolled in a...

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Can I Exclude my Spouse from my Estate?

Sometimes for various reasons, a person doesn’t want to leave any property to his or her spouse.  Massachusetts like most states has a law designed to protect a surviving spouse from being impoverished.  The law allows a surviving spouse to claim a portion of the estate despite the provisions of the deceased...

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elder viewing end-of-life documents

End-of-Life Documents We All Need

When you’re a young adult or middle-aged, it may seem unnecessary or impractical to think about end-of-life documents when the probability of your death seems far away. Nonetheless, when you contact your Massachusetts estate planning attorney to begin protecting your assets and preparing for retirement, she or he will no doubt...

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